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Should payment descriptions for bank transfers be considered sensitive data? Conflicting case law from the Italian Court of Cassation

The Italian Court of Cassation has recently been called on to deal with the issue of whether payment descriptions for bank transfers qualify as sensitive data, in cases in which they specify indemnity payments for illness or disability using the wording “allowance ex L. 210/1992”, (the law which grants allowances to parties who have suffered irreversible complications due to mandatory vaccination and blood transfusions, or in cases of decease, to their families).

The Supreme Court judges have expressed conflicting decisions in several such cases. In all the examined cases, the matter concerned the relations between the Region, which issues the allowance and authorizes the bank transfer, and the ill or disabled party’s bank, which is the recipient of the allowance on behalf of its current account holder.

In the case of the first decision dating from 2014 (judgement n. 10947 of 19th May 2014), the Court considered the payment description, which quoted the above-mentioned legislative references, as sensitive data and thus determined that both the Region and the bank had unlawfully processed personal data since they had not adopted security measures for the transmission and dissemination of said data, such as encryption techniques and non-identifiable codes, as provided for by Art. 22, 6° par. of the Personal Data Protection Code.

In the second decision (judgement n. 10280 of 20th May 2015), which is clearer and better developed than the previous one, the Supreme Court judges overturned their first approach and followed a quite different decision-making process. Firstly, they rejected the concept that payment descriptions for allowances filled out in such a way constituted sensitive data, as the law quoted provided that the recipients of these allowances could either be the parties directly affected or otherwise their families. Since the payment of the allowance did not depend on the illness of the party who actually received it, the judges concluded that the information was not sufficient to reveal the recipient’s state of health and, therefore, did not constitute sensitive data.

Secondly, according to the Supreme Court, it was not a question of the Region rendering the data transferred to the bank public, as this would have implied – in conformity with Art. 4, lett. m) of the Code – disclosure of the data to unspecified parties, whereas in this case the disclosure was only made to the bank of the current account holder who was the beneficiary of the allowance.

Furthermore, the judges considered that references to Art. 22, 6° par. of the Code were groundless, since, as correctly quoted, the adoption of encryption techniques is only required in specific cases where the data originate from directories or registries and the aim is to manage and consult them. Neither could the bank be considered to have the responsibility for adopting these measures for three different reasons: firstly, the provision is only applicable to public bodies; secondly, private entities are only obliged to adopt encryption measures in relation to sensitive data which would reveal a state of health and were processed with electronic systems, both of which conditions are missing in the present case; finally, communicating to a client of the bank’s his/her personal data does not constitute processing of personal data.

Finally, in the opinion of the Court, the role of the bank was that of the current account holder’s representative and it received the payment from the Region on his/her behalf: thus, the payment was to be considered as being directly effected by the debtor (the Region) to the creditor (the recipient of the allowance). Therefore, the Supreme Court considered both the Region’s and the bank’s conduct to be within the law and acknowledged there had been no illegal processing of personal data.

This question has recently once again been deliberated by the 1st Civil Division of the Court of Cassation, which has issued two interlocutory orders (no. 3455 and no. 3456 registered on 9th February 2017) delegating the “Sezioni Unite” (the Joint Divisions), the task of devising a solution to this conflict of case law. On this occasion the Supreme Court has abstained from expressing its own opinion one way or the other with regard to the different interpretations of case law regarding this issue, and has simply commented on the nature of payment descriptions as “sensitive data”. The Court has pointed out that, even if payment can be made both to the family and the ill or disabled party, only the latter would receive payment in instalments (whereas family would receive a lump sum). This particular method of payment would clearly identify the recipient of the payment as the victim of illness or disability and for this reason the indication of a payment in instalments would constitute sensitive data.

We will have to wait to see how the Joint Divisions will solve this conflict of case law we have just described and in particular whether they opt for a broad or restrictive interpretation of the concept of sensitive data.



Laura Greco

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