Diritto & Internet

The Italian norms regarding identification for Internet access have been abrogated

Decree no.225 of 29 December 2010, the so-called “milleproroghe” (the annual thousand extentions Decree) has removed both the obligation for Internet access providers to identify users and that of keeping data relating to operations made by them provided for by the so-called Pisanu Decree which has already been referred to on several occasions.

In point of fact, the paragraphs removed are nos.4 and 5 of Legislative Decree no.144 of 27 July 2005, approved with amendments by law no.155 of 31 July 2005.

The obligation of identifying Internet users constituted a typically Italian anomaly which was not to be found in other countries. The abrogation of this norm had long been hoped for in that it would eliminate such anomaly.

Clearly, the obligation has been eliminated but those providers who still wish to identify their users, however, will be permitted to do so once their users have been adequately informed in compliance with their contracts and with the norms of the Personal Data Protection Code.

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Direttore Scientifico
Prof. Avv. Giusella Finocchiaro
Curatrice Editoriale
Dott. Giulia Giapponesi

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